Welcome to the Austin Healey Club South Western Centre
Welcome to the Austin Healey Club South West. We are dedicated to serving the interests of members of the Austin Healey Club (UK) Limited who reside in the Southwest of England, South Wales and the Channel Islands.
The Austin Healey Club South West forms part of the larger, National, ‘Austin Healey Club’, but focusses on local events and meetings, and covers the area from Gloucestershire in the north, down to the tip of Cornwall in the south. Across to Wiltshire in the east, and includes the southern half of Wales, along with the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey.
The Austin Healey Club offers both National and International membership, and, when joining the UK Club, members are asked to choose a geographical ‘Centre’ based initially on their location. If you therefore live in our geographical catchment area, you will be become part of the Southwest Centre and we will be very pleased to welcome you.
Ownership of an Austin Healey is not a prerequisite of membership of the Austin Healey Club; indeed, all Classic Car enthusiasts are welcome. We feel that it is important to share Classic Car ownership with like-minded friends, so the Southwest Centre’s focus is very much on the social side of classic car ownership and we organise events and meetings accordingly.
Nationally, the Club publishes a monthly, full colour magazine featuring articles of interest, details of suppliers and member discounts, where available and we also include technical articles designed to help the members look after their cars. Additionally, we have a vast library of technical articles available on-line, covering areas from simple maintenance to the most detailed of engineering work.
We are an active Centre, typically offering a broad range of events throughout the year – something for everyone hopefully! Why not check out our events planner and see for yourself. Events are organised in our other Centres around the Country too, which, as a member of the Austin Healey Club, you will be able to attend, should you wish to travel a bit further afield. As well as organised events, which range from attendance at local car shows to visiting places of local interest and so on, we also run monthly social get-togethers, which we call our ‘Noggin & Natters’. These are usually pub nights, but in the summer can be preceded by drives out in the cars around our beautiful countryside.
Uniquely amongst the Austin Healey Club Centres nationally, the Austin Healey Club South West also run our own competition series, run along the lines of an autosolo, which is open to all Club members.
We have a Centre-wide WhatsApp group (I Love My Healey) and our Noggin & Natters tend nowadays to also have their own WhatsApp groups locally, used very much to organise the important social side of membership. Joining one, or indeed several of our groups is by simple request to the group administrator(s), so really easy to get involved from day one.
Finally, we in the Southwest Centre, are fortunate to have some of Britain’s very best countryside – from the Cotswolds in the north, to the Moors in the south and the lovely Welsh countryside, so why not make the most of it by joining us in your classic… hopefully an Austin Healey!